Five of the major party candidates so far have agreed to take part in the August 19-20 event, organizers announced on Thursday. The Democrats who already said "yes" are: Bernie Sanders, the U.S. Senator from Vermont, author Marianne Williamson; Steve Bullock, the governor of Montana, Julián Castro, a former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; and John Delaney, a former U.S. Congressman from Maryland. Additionally, independent candidate Mark Charles, a citizen of the Navajo Nation, will be attending the forum. It's being held at the Orpheum Theatre in Sioux City, a community with a thriving urban Indian population and one near the homelands and reservations of several tribes. Ahead of the event, Castro announced on Thursday that he will be returning to Iowa to campaign. His weekend includes a session with citizens of the Meskwaki Nation in Tama, about 220 miles east of Sioux City. At the event on the Meskwaki Settlement on Friday, Castro will formally unveil his "People First Indigenous Communities Policy". His platform stresses sovereignty, treaties, justice for Native women and tribal-federal partnerships. "We can never undo the injustice of our country’s treatment of Indigenous people. But as a nation, we can live up to our treaty obligations, strengthen tribal sovereignty, and be a serious partner in improving and strengthening our shared destiny," Castro, who led the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Barack Obama administration, said of his platform in a post on Medium on Thursday.News flash we have 6 of the 10 slots filled for Frank LaMere Native Presidential Forum #2020StartsNow
— Oliver J Semans (@ojsemans) July 24, 2019
With the release of the platform, Castro is the first Democratic candidate to offer a comprehensive look at his vision for the first Americans. He promises to revive the White House Tribal Nations Conference, a popular event that drew hundreds of tribal leaders to the nation's capital for the eight years of the Obama presidency, and create a White House Council on Indigenous Communities, an idea that follows in the footsteps of a similar body during the Obama era. In contrast, the tribal conference and the Native council have gone dormant under President Donald Trump's watch, at a time when relations with tribal nations have been strained, difficult and even non-existent in some instances. It wasn't until this month that the White House brought someone on board a focus on Indian policy as key leadership positions, including one at the Indian Health Service, have gone unfilled in year three of the Republican administration. Castro, though, isn't the only Democratic presidential candidate who has articulated an Indian policy. But his is far more detailed than the one offered by Bernie Sanders, whose "Empower Tribal Nations" platform also focuses on sovereignty, treaties, Native women and the environment. "Native Americans are the first Americans, yet they have for far too long been treated as third class citizens. It is unconscionable that today, in 2019, Native Americans still do not always have the right to decide on important issues that affect their communities," the 2020 platform reads. During the 2016 campaign, Sanders was popular among Native voters in several states. During that race, he had a much more expansive Indian policy document than the one currently posted on his 2020 site. Similarly, Marianne Williamson touts "Native American Justice" on her campaign site. Her policy, which also promises an annual White House summit, is slightly longer than Sanders' though it's still not as detailed as Castro's. "It is time for our generation to atone and make fundamental amends for the accumulated transgressions of US policy," Williamson states. "We must seek to overturn wrongs of the past that in many ways still linger today, and redress the problems that have been caused because of them." Steve Bullock already beat Castro to the Meskwaki Settlement by hosting one of his first campaign events there back in May. He has enjoyed a strong relationship with tribes since becoming governor of Montana in 2013 but his 2020 site doesn't boast much in terms of specifics on policy issues, Indian or otherwise. "We've worked government-to-government to expand health care," Bullock said after his May 21 listening session on Meskwaki homelands. "We've addressed the unique challenges and business opportunities for Native American collateral loan programs and we actually, this passed legislative session, really took on the problems of missing and murdered Indigenous women." John Delaney, one of the confirmed candidates at the Frank LaMere Presidential Candidate Forum, doesn't have anything about Indian Country on his 2020 campaign site's "Issues" page so far.We cannot erase the history of how our nation has treated Indigenous peoples. But we can respect their sovereignty, honor our treaty commitments & make progress to ensure that all native communities thrive.
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) July 25, 2019
My People First Indigenous Communities plan:

In addition to Four Directions, the Native Organizers Alliance is serving as host of the Frank LaMere Presidential Candidate Forum. Co-hosts include NCAI, the Native American Rights Fund, the Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association, the Coalition of Large Tribes, the Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes and the United South and Eastern Tribes. O.J. Semans said the Coushatta Tribe, based in Louisiana, will be the "Lead Premier" sponsor for the event while the NDN Collective has joined as "Lead Underwriting" sponsor. Tom Rodgers, a citizen of the Blackfeet Nation and founder of the Carlyle Consulting firm, has joined as "Lead Stage" sponsor. Mark Trahant, a citizen of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes who serves as the editor of Indian Country Today, is scheduled to moderate.Native Leaders Invite 2020 Candidates to Presidential Forum via @TheTakeaway
— Jacqueline Keeler (@jfkeeler) July 12, 2019
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