Posted by Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas on Friday, May 31, 2013

Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas apologizes for 'disrespectful and insensitive comments'

The Urban Inter-Tribal Center of Texas is offering an apology after investigating reports of "disrespectful and insensitive comments" attributed to top employees.

Interim chief executive officer Kendria Taylor was accused of saying she was part of the “Kick-a-Hoe” tribe while clinical director Deborah Breshears said she was from the “Slap-a-Hoe” tribe. But the chairman of the center's board said the remarks were not racist in nature.

"We have investigated these comments and while it appears that poor judgment was involved, there was no intent by those involved to harass or unlawfully discriminate against others within the organization," Jimmy Stephens, who is Sac and Fox, said in the In a April 25 statement.

Stephens provided an additional statement to The Dallas Morning News and defended Taylor and Breshears, whose Indian ancestry has been questioned by some in the community. He described the pair as "devoted, hard-working leaders in this organization who have served the Native community with professionalism and passion over the years."

But community members are upset and are calling for Taylor and Breshears to be fired. A demonstration took place last Friday outside the center in Dallas, Native News Online reported.

“If this incident had occurred in another minority business or institutional setting, the racially charged remarks by these individuals would be grounds for immediate dismissal,” Keith Pahcheka, a spokesperson for the Intertribal Community Council of Texas, said in a press release posted by Indian Country Today.

And while Taylor and Breshears remain on board, an employee who complained about their remarks was fired, The Morning News reported. Veronica Arredondo, who is Choctaw, worked as the human resources director until Monday, telling the paper she was faulted for sharing a social media post that called for the two administrators to be removed.

The center has since posted a job announcement for a permanent chief executive officer.

"Executing our mission is how we should and will overcome any and all barriers together, no matter our race or blood quantum," board chairman Stephens said in his statement.

Read More on the Story
Dallas American Indian Community Members Call for Dismissal of Urban Intertribal Center Who Made Racist Comments (Native News Online April 28, 2019)
Whistleblower fired after complaining about Dallas tribal center leader's 'Kick-a-Hoe' joke (The Dallas Morning News April 30, 2019)

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