Indianz.Com Video by Kevin Abourezk: Frank LaMere and Renita Chalepah, Mother of Zachary Bear Heels, Speak

Video: Mother of Native man who died after police encounter speaks

Video by Kevin Abourezk

OMAHA, Nebraska -- A jury here has cleared a fired police officer for beating a Native man who later died.

Zachary Bear Heels was 29 years old when he died on June 5, 2017. He was shocked with a Taser 12 times and punched in the head 13 times.

"As a mother, I know my child," Renita Chalepah, Zachary's mother, told Indianz.Com after the verdict was delivered on Monday. "He was in pain."

Chalepah is joined by Frank LaMere, an activist from the Winnebago Tribe, in this video, filmed by Kevin Abourezk in Omaha.

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