Secretary of the Interior participates in the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in front of the White House on November 28, 2018. Photo: U.S. Department of the Interior

Raúl Grijalva: Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke must resign

Democrats will take control of the U.S. House of Representatives when the 116th Congress convenes in January. What does that mean for the Trump administration?

It looks like trouble for Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke. With the Cabinet member still under investigation for alleged ethical lapses, Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Arizona), who is expected to serve as chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources is calling for more accountability:
As ranking member, I have sent dozens of unanswered letters seeking information about Interior Department policies and Mr. Zinke’s conduct. Should I chair the committee in January, as I hope to do, those questions will only intensify as part of my and my colleagues’ legitimate oversight duties. If Mr. Zinke stays, stonewalling in the belief that a cabinet secretary answers only to Trump would be a mistake.

Such scrutiny will extend to his successor, who should not be encouraged by Mr. Zinke’s example. Doing whatever you like and then leaving office a half-step ahead of a formal investigation is not public service, especially if you end up working for an industry you formerly regulated. The election results were about clean government as much as any particular policy choice, and the next Interior secretary will be watched as closely as the one before.

The American people need an Interior Department focused on addressing climate change, enhancing public recreation, protecting endangered species and upholding the sovereign rights of Native American communities. These are not matters of personal preference — they are enshrined in law and supported by voters. The department needs someone accountable at the helm who believes in this mission.

Mr. Zinke is not that person. Federal agencies cannot function without credible leadership, and he offers none. He needs to resign.

Read More on the Story
Raúl Grijalva: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke must resign. His multiple scandals show he's unfit to serve. (USA Today November 30, 2018)

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