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Kickapoo Tribe welcomes member of Congress to reservation
Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) is a relative newcomer to Congress but he's already won some friends in Indian Country.
The Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas welcomed Hurd to the reservation in Eagle Pass on Wednesday and, citing his work on border issues, named a street in his honor.
"Will Hurd Drive" now greets people who visit the reservation, near the United States border with Mexico. And it's in a prominent place -- it intersects Rosita Valley Road right near tribal headquarters and the community health center.
The tribe has enjoyed a strong relationship with Hurd, dating back to his first run for Congress in 2014. He visited Eagle Pass and met with Kickapoo and local leaders shortly after winning the election, saying he heard why the border is so important in the community.
Hurd now on the Committee on Homeland Security and the tribe, in dedicating the street, said he has helped ensure their voices are heard in Washington, D.C., especially with the White House, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State.
The reservation is located on the Rio Grande, right along the border, and tribal citizens maintain ties on both sides.
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