Thousands of tribal citizens and their allies marched through the streets of Washington, D.C., for Native Nations Rise on March 10, 2017. Photo by Indianz.Com (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Dakota Access Pipeline decision still missing in action a week later

It's been a week since the Trump administration approved the Dakota Access Pipeline again. But where's the actual decision?

As of early Friday afternoon, the document -- said to be 100 pages long -- is nowhere to be found. No one in Indian Country has seen it, including the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose leaders and citizens began the fight against the pipeline more than two years ago, turning the #NoDAPL movement into an international cause.

So what's the holdup? Inside Climate News reached out to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Justice for comment but no one responded as of Thursday.

Officially, the decision is "undergoing a confidentiality review," government attorneys said in an August 31 court filing. They gave no indication of when that process might be complete.

So for now, all that's out there is a two-page "memorandum for record" that was submitted by the Army Corps. It rejects all of the concerns Standing Rock and other tribes raised about oil spills, treaty rights and environmental justice.

That means oil will continue to flow through the 1,100-mile pipeline, which crosses treaty territory about a half-mile north of Standing Rock in North Dakota. Despite the rushed process that led to the completion of the project, a federal judge has repeatedly declined to halt operations.

"Once the pipeline is constructed and the oil is flowing, it's very difficult for courts to have the stomach to overturn decisions that resulted in that outcome," Sarah Krakoff, a professor of Native American law at the University of Colorado Law School, told Inside Climate News.

Read More on the Story
Tribe Says Army Corps Stonewalling on Dakota Access Pipeline Report, Oil Spill Risk (Inside Climate News September 6, 2018)

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