According to the OIG, student participation in the gifted and talented (GT) program at Riverside "went up dramatically" while Dearman was superintendent. This resulted in a "significantly increased" level of federal funding for the school, investigators discovered. Over three years, Riverside got an additional $1 million, the report stated. But while Dearman was aware of the correlation, investigators found no evidence of wrongdoing on his behalf. "We found that when the BIE official was the principal he knew that a higher number of GT students would increase the school’s funding, but we did not substantiate the allegation that GT enrollment was increased solely for more funding," the report said. Still, the investigation found that employees at Riverside "failed to follow federal GT regulations" because they didn't know what they were doing. Hundreds of students in the gifted and talented program, for example, did not meet the requirements for participation, according to the report. Employees didn't prepare educational plans for each student, either, another requirement. "The two school employees who administered the program for most of that school year both admitted to us that they were unfamiliar with the regulations," the report stated.PDAS Tahsuda & Acting Deputy Bureau Director - Trust Services Darryl Lacounte met w/ Riverside Indian School this morning. Before answering questions, they described what #ADayAtInterior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, & @BureauIndianEdu is like.#NativeYouth pic.twitter.com/51r9dfysYs
— Indian Affairs (@USIndianAffairs) March 30, 2018
On a second falsified data issue, the investigation confirmed that students were repeatedly being marked as "present" when they weren't actually in class. Dearman was aware of, and approved of, this practice during both of his terms as superintendent, according to the report. The practice was associated with Riverside's status as a boarding school that attracts youth from all regions of Indian Country. Students were allowed to leave "up to 6 days before the end of the school year" to account for travel time back to their homes, the report said. By allowing students to leave early, a BIE employee told investigations that Riverside was "shortchanging” their education. But Dearman said there was nothing wrong with the practice, which dates back at least to 2006. "He denied that marking the students present was an effort to generate additional funding or to otherwise benefit the school or himself," the report stated. As part of its review, the OIG interviewed principals at two other BIE boarding schools. Neither said they marked student travel time as class time, the report said. Dearman isn't the only BIE director to come under investigation for alleged misconduct. The agency in fact has been a repeat offender in the eyes of the OIG. During the Obama administration, Charles “Monty” Roessel, a citizen of the Navajo Nation, was forced out as director after he admitted he hired a romantic partner and intervened to help a relative land a job at the agency, an investigation found in 2016. A second probe showed that exercised "questionable judgment" when he tried to drum up support in Indian Country for a controversial reform initiative. “You’re right; I ****** up," Roessel told the OIG when confronted about his actions. Two years prior, also during the Obama era, another investigation uncovered ethical lapses by former director Keith Moore and his chief of staff. The two officials steered a contract to a company run by one of their friends, the OIG said in December 2014. The BIE was previously known as the Office of Indian Education Programs until the George W. Bush administration christened it with a new name as part of reorganization that was controversial in tribal circles. The entity, which is part of the BIA, oversees 183 elementary and secondary day and boarding schools. About two-thirds are run by tribes while the rest are operated directly by the BIE. Regardless of the name or how it is organized, the BIE has long experienced leadership issues. The Indian education program at the BIA has seen 34 directors come and go since 1979, Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), a former chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs said when Roessel's scandal was in the news two years ago.Thank you for the warm welcome Riverside School! I loved meeting with the student council and talking with them about Tribal and conservation issues. pic.twitter.com/vPI1XoINYP
— Secretary Ryan Zinke (@SecretaryZinke) January 18, 2018
Dearman, whose career in education began 25 years ago in Oklahoma, remains on board as director of the BIA as of Thursday, an agency official told Indianz.Com. He is a career employee, not a political appointee. Both OIG reports about Dearman were turned over to John Tahsuda, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary who had sanctioned his presence at the performance review earlier this year, for "any action deemed appropriate." The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary post is a political one. Both reports were made public following the arrival of Tara Sweeney as the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. She is the first Alaska Native to serve in the post -- another political job -- and the first woman in two decades. In assuming the role, Sweeney vowed to "work with Indian Country to find efficiencies inside the Bureau of Indian Affairs, improve service delivery and culturally relevant curriculum in the Bureau of Indian Education, and create a more effective voice for tribes throughout the federal government." During her confirmation hearing in May, Sweeney also said she had "zero tolerance" for employee misconduct, especially harassment, bullying and intimidating behavior. "No employee should ever fear coming to work because of harassment," Sweeney testified on May 9.Tony Dearman, @BureauIndianEdu director, testified today before the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education to give updates on recent work. #NativeEdu pic.twitter.com/DhMfLxh2yD
— BureauIndianEdu (@BureauIndianEdu) February 14, 2018

Office of Inspector General Reports
Employees Believed BIE Director’s Presence During Fiscal Monitoring Review at Former School Was Improper
(August 2018)BIE Official Allegedly Inflated Gifted Program Enrollment and Student Attendance Numbers at Former School (August 2018)
BIA Official Engaged in Unprofessional Behavior (September 2018)
Even More Office of the Inspector General Reports
Manager Allegedly Sexually Harassed Three Subordinate Employees (February
20, 2018)Insufficient Actions by BIA Management and Human Resource Officials in Response to Sexual Harassment Reports (October 18, 2017)
BIA Employee Visited Pornographic Websites on His Government Computer (September 20, 2017)
BIA Employee Sent Unwanted, Sexually Explicit Messages (June 5, 2017)
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