Two wolf pups are growing up on the
Warm Springs Reservation, the
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced.
Cameras set up by the
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs captured images of the pups in an area on the reservation south of
Mount Hood on August 10, the department said. They were spotted again by remote camera on August 19.
The birth marks the first known reproduction by wolves in the northern Cascade Mountains for the first time since the 2000s, according to the department.
“Today, we let out a huge howl knowing that a wolf pack is rightly back on the landscape around iconic Mt. Hood after the species was systematically exterminated decades ago,” Josh Laughlin, the executive director of Cascadia Wildlands, said in a
press release on Wednesday. “The news is also a stark reminder that we need to ensure strong state and federal protections remain in place for recovering wolves so they can continue to re-occupy their historic territories across Oregon.”
Wolves were once prevalent across the state until eradication efforts essentially wiped them out in the 1940s,
according to Oregon Wild. Recovery efforts began in the 2000s, with the
2017 population count showing 124 animals
Read More on the Story
Two wolf pups are growing up in shadow of Mount Hood, tribes confirm
(The Eugene Register-Guard August 29, 2018)
Wolf pups spotted in north Central Oregon
(The Bend Bulletin August 29, 2018)
Oregon Wolves: First Pups Spotted In Northern Cascades In Decades
(Patch August 29, 2018)
Two wolf pups seen on Warm Springs Reservation
(The Associated Press and KTVZ August 29, 2018)
Two Wolf Pups Have Been Spotted Near an Oregon Mountain, Decades After Being Exterminated
(The Associated Press August 29, 20180
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