John McCain: The Great (Counter)Balancer
By Richard Monette
Senator John McCain’s passing has many of us wondering aloud whether the balance of America’s history will ever again produce such a giant spirit.
As the old axiom holds, the true test is what a person does when the world is not watching. The young fighter pilot’s decision to forego early release from POW captivity shall be the standard-bearer, but in my own little corner of the world, Senator McCain’s actions loom almost as large.
Senator John McCain has been a genuine hero for Native America.
First, my own caveat: when Senator Dan Inouye passed, I wrote a short tribute, eliciting responses that went something like this: it must have been nice to have worked so close to Senator Inouye. Well, I didn’t. Even in our small Native American corner of the world, quite a few Natives worked with Senator Inouye far more closely than I did.
The same goes for Senator McCain. But truly great leaders can change a young life with a handshake – along with a pelting of sharp criticisms and witticisms. Having the good fortune to simply be in their presence can inspire awe.
When I first became a U.S. Senate staffer, I worked for Senator Dan Evans, a Republican from the state of Washington. I didn’t then, and don’t now, consider myself Republican. A kid from “the Rez”, especially an isolated Native reservation surrounded by North Dakota, had his own “tribe” to worry about, one of those actual “Indian tribes” to which the U.S. Constitution expressly refers. I didn’t need a surrogate tribe, even in Washington D.C. (These days, I cringe when political pundits and media increasingly disparage political parties as “tribal”; they should stick to what they know.)
And so I write this for John McCain. I also write this for me, as a gesture of personal gratitude. I write this for the youth of Native America, especially those who hail from the Rez. You can work yourself, as I did, into the presence of a hero like John McCain. More importantly, because of John McCain, and the likes of Dan Inouye and Dan Evans, Native American youth hold a glimmer of hope that America will recognize the distinction that Native American Nations hold in this country’s history: this isn’t about a racial minority, affirmative action, mascots, gambling, or welfare checks. Rather, this is about sovereignty; this is about treaties; this is about distinct peoples with cultures worthy of making their own path. This is about America. Richard A. Monette is a former chairman and chief executive officer of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, a sovereign nation based in North Dakota. He also served as a staff attorney to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. He currently serves a professor of law at the University of Wisconsin Law School and as the director of the Great Lakes Indian Law Center. This opinion is his own.National Congress of American Indians President Jefferson Keel Honors Senator John McCain
— NCAI (@NCAI1944) August 26, 2018
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