Pawnee comic Howie Echo-Hawk wants to see you squirm
Echo-Hawk’s ‘punishment comedy’ draws on his experiences as an Indigenous man living in Seattle. By Savannah Maher
High Country News Howie Echo-Hawk is halfway through his five-minute set at the Rendezvous bar in downtown Seattle. He has used the word “genocide” six times. “This is a joke I keep telling because nobody laughs,” he tells the crowd. The basement lounge he’s performing in has been dubbed “The Grotto,” and it feels like one. It’s cramped. The air is stale. The audience members, made up mostly of white people, shift in their seats. “Every morning when I wake up and go outside, I recognize that this might as well be the zombie apocalypse for Native people,” Echo-Hawk says. “Y’all might as well be zombies.” One woman close to the stage lets out a laugh but quickly stifles it. Her friend turns her attention towards her phone, then her drink. Most comics would call this a bomb. On stage, Echo-Hawk is beaming. This story was produced in partnership with NextGen Radio. Listen to an interview with Howie Echo-Hawk here: A citizen of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma, Howie Echo-Hawk, 28, has been making people laugh all his life. But after the 2016 election, he was compelled to confront what he calls white liberal audiences with his “punishment comedy.” Set after set, he seeks to agitate and even irritate with jokes, stories and dispatches from life as an Indigenous man in America. Reactions range from anxious laughter to full-blown crying, and that’s exactly what Echo-Hawk wants. “It’s fun for me to see them squirm,” he says. “Because in mainstream colonizer-America, I’m pretty much constantly squirming, so to put that back on them for a couple of minutes is just fine for me.” Echo-Hawk says he knows of maybe two Indigenous comics, including himself, who perform in Seattle – a scene dominated primarily by white comics. But he doesn’t think audiences should be surprised to Native people on an open-mic stage. “It’s not an illusion, folks, this is another Indigenous comedian,” says Danny Littlejohn as he steps up to the mic.

Echo-Hawk says his relationship with comedy is complicated. It’s a release for him — a way to keep painful emotions and experiences from festering in his head. But it’s also a source of frustration. He says the role can be tokenizing and taxing. He’s only been at it for a year and a half, but he feels jaded already and says he thinks about leaving comedy. Littlejohn can relate. “Being an urban Indian comedian is rough,” Littlejohn says. “So I’m with Howie on that.” Sometimes, Littlejohn says he’s frustrated that audiences need a history lesson just to understand his jokes. Sometimes, Littlejohn feels pitted against the handful of other Native comics trying to break into the industry. Tonight, though, he and Echo-Hawk say they feel inspired by each other’s sets. “I would have killed to see a Native comedian on TV as a kid. I would’ve loved that,” Echo-Hawk says. “I don’t know if I’m gonna get there, I don’t even know if I wanna get there. But the idea that I could make that happen for somebody is great.” Savannah Maher is a public radio reporter, and producer and a citizen of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Nation. Follow her on Twitter @savannah_maher. This story was originally published at High Country News ( on July 16, 2018.Howie Echo-Hawk’s “punishment comedy” draws on family stories, Pawnee oral tradition, and his experiences as an Indigenous man living in Seattle. Native folks love it. White liberal audiences don’t know what to do with it. Stay tuned for the full story #nextgenradio
— Savannah Maher (@savannah_maher) July 13, 2018
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