Tim Giago. Photo courtesy Native Sun News Today

Native Sun News Today: Lakota journalist Tim Giago joins prestigious arts and science group

Giago elected as member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

By Native Sun News Today Staff

RAPID CITY – Lakota journalist and newspaper publisher Tim Giago was elected as a new member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences last week.

Giago has been a journalist since 1974 when he worked in advertising sales and writing for the national Indian newspaper Wassaja. He later started his own newspaper the Lakota Times in July of 1981. The Lakota Times later became the national Indian newspaper, Indian Country Today. He is currently the owner of the Native Sun News Today.

He joins many of America’s elite journalists including Tom Brokaw and Judy Woodruff as members of the Academy. Giago will travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 6, 2018 to be inducted into the Academy in a formal ceremony.

“I was born, raised and educated on the Pine Ridge Reservation and whenever something as wonderful as this happens to me I accept the honor with pride and humility for all of the Lakota people,” Giago said.

He continued, “Any success I have had in life I attribute to hard work and dedication.”

Nancy C. Andrews, Chair of the Board and Jonathan F. Fanton, President said, “We both remember how pleased and excited we were upon receiving the notice of our election to the Academy. This honor signifies the high regard in which you are held by leaders in your field and members throughout the nation.”


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