National Congress of American Indians President Jefferson Keel kicks off winter session in Washington DC. Busy day hearing from members of Congress and officials from Trump administration
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
National Congress of American Indians President Jefferson Keel on lack of leadership at Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Services. “We just don’t know. That is inexcusable.” #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Sen. Catherine Cortez Manso (D-Nevada) tells National Congress of American Indians: “Too often Indian voices are left out of the conversation.” #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) discusses missing and murdered indigenous women and girls at National Congress of American Indians. “Our government is not doing enough” #mmiw #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, Tanana Chiefs Conference and Yurok Tribe thank Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) for securing funding for their tribal courts for the first time. Tribes in California and Alaska were excluded for decades due to PL280 #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Senate vote on Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act has been delayed to March or April, executive director Jackie Pata of National Congress of American Indians said. “We’re at 57 votes. We need a few more” Controversial bill recognizes tribal authority over labor unions #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Rep. Jack Bergman (R-Michigan) is new to Congress but has been active in extending the Special Diabetes Program for Indians. “I came here to get stuff done. I came here to work with others,” Bergman tells National Congress of American Indians #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Secretary Ryan Zinke touts infrastructure proposal to fix Indian schools in #TrumpBudget. “Every kid should deserve a world class education,” Zinke tells National Congress of American Indians #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Secretary Ryan Zinke has yet to finish speaking but tribal leaders are already lining up to question him at National Congress of American Indians winter session #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Tribal leaders and Native youth pressing Secretary Ryan Zinke on public safety, water rights and renewable energy at National Congress of American Indians winter session #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein makes first appearance before National Congress of American Indians. “We know that violent crime in Indian Country is far too common. We will reverse that trend.” #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Another first timer at National Congress of American Indians is Treasurer Jovita Carranza. She is vowing to improve access to capital in Indian Country and to launch a long delayed tribal advisory committee at the Department of Treasury #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson shares bad news about his Indian ancestry. “I got the DNA test and I didn’t have any. I was really disappointed. But I got the spirit” He didn’t mention plans to cut Indian housing funds in #TrumpBudget #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
A fiery Kitcki Carroll (Cheyenne-Arapaho) said tribal leaders have given Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson a pass on Indian housing budget cuts and negative policy statements. “We don’t need to be nice to him about that” #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
More on #BenCarsonDNA: Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson also said his wife took a DNA test. He said she has "Cherokee" ancestry #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California) says victim services funding isn’t coming to Indian Country. “I’m sure 0 isn’t the number. Just saying” Issa is cosponsoring HR4608, the SURVIVE Act, to set aside 5 percent from Crime Victims Fund for tribes #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) said infighting in Congress has led to a power grab from the executive branch aka the President. “Quit this bickering about Republicans and Democrats. How are you going to solve this problem?” #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) on proposed cuts in #TrumpBudget: “He’s my president but it’s not my budget,” Young told the National Congress of American Indians #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Whether it’s the Bears Ears National Monument, the Dakota Access Pipeline, or uranium mining at Grand Canyon, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona) said the Trump administration “leans heavily, if not entirely, to the industry side” at the expense of tribes #ECWS2018 #NoDAPL
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona) on Trump's border wall: "To suspend sovereignty for x number of miles is to suspend sovereignty across this country” #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-California), the Democratic leader in the House: “The trust responsibility is not just a legal arrangement, it’s a moral obligation” #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Rep. Norma Torres (D-California) is calling for more Native American staffers in Congress. There are fewer than 10, according to some accounts. Her legislative assistant on the House Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs is Native. #ECWS2018
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Former Sen. Byron Dorgan introduces 2018 Native Youth Champions for Change. “They are doing unbelievable things to help others” From left: EllaMae Looney (Yakama) Anthony Tamez (Cree/Rosebud Sioux) Shawna Garza (Kickapoo) Isabel Coronado (Muscogee) Damien Carlos (Tohono Oodham)
— (@indianz) February 13, 2018
Trump administration includes Indian schools in infrastructure plan (February 13, 2018)
Cronkite News: Tribes call for respect for their sovereignty in D.C. (February 13, 2018)
National Congress of American Indians: State of Indian Nations (February 12, 2018)
Sen. Tom Udall delivers response to the State of Indian Nations (February 12, 2018)
Yurok Tribe hosts screening of film focused on traditional justice (February 12, 2018)
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs adds meeting for busy week (Febrary 12, 2018)
National Congress of American Indians adds more speakers in DC (February 8, 2018)
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs sets schedule for a busy week (February 8, 2018)
San Manuel Band awards large grant to Tribal Supreme Court Project (January 24, 2018)
National Congress of American Indians lines up speakers for big meeting in D.C. (January 24, 2018)
National Congress of American Indians welcomes Secretary Zinke again (January 17, 2018)