The doubts came after Republican lawmakers -- including a close ally of President Donald Trump -- pushed strongly for the settlements. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who joined the president in Utah earlier this week for the dismantling of the Bears Ears National Monument, made a special appearance at the hearing to advocate for S.664. He noted that the Navajo Nation and Utah negotiated for more than 13 years to resolve claims on the Colorado River. "Both parties invested significant time and resources on this issue," Hatch said. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) made a special appearance as well. His bill, S.1770, settles long-standing claims by the Hualapai Tribe to the Colorado River. "This is critically important to have some surety moving ahead," said Flake, who will be stepping down next year after frequently sparring with Trump on political issues. The other sponsor of the bill is Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), a former two-term chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Though he remains well-liked among tribal leaders in the state, his popularity has fallen among others amid frequent clashes with the president.

Against the political backdrop, leaders of the two tribes focused on the tangible benefits the water settlements would bring to their communities. Enactment of S.1770 represents an "opportunity to bring water to a very, very rural area and without it, we wouldn't be making strides to give our tribe that economic development," Hualapai Tribe Chairman Damon Clarke said. Settlement negotiations took about seven years. "This bill will provide water to 40 percent that do not have water in the state of Utah, members of my nation. It is something that we have waited for for years," Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye told the committee. Many Navajo citizens in Utah have to haul water to their homes, he noted. The states of Arizona and Utah also support the respective settlements, officials said at the hearing. Although they won't be contributing as much as the federal government, they defended the need to resolve the long-standing claims in order to help tribes and surrounding communities develop their economies. When tribal, local and state contributions are considered together, Arizona is contributing more than $44 million, said Thomas Buschatzke, the director of the state's Department of Water Resources. That represents about 25 percent of the costs of S.1770. S.664 requires Utah to contribute $8 million and has already set aside $2 million in anticipation of the settlement becoming law, Lt. Gov. Spencer J. Cox (R) said. "In my small town, we have a saying that whiskey's for drinking and water's for fighting," Cox said. "I'm so grateful that we are not fighting about this one." Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Notice:Amazing opportunity to testify with Navajo Nation President Begaye in support of a water rights settlement that will bring significant water infrastructure and investment to Utah Navajos.
— Spencer Cox (@SpencerJCox) December 6, 2017
Legislative Hearing to Receive Testimony on S. 664 & S. 1770 (December 6, 2017)
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