A July 4, 2017, celebration in Old Harbor, Alaska. Photo: Old Harbor Native Corporation

Witness list for Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hearing on tax policy reform

The tax package is now expected to be unveiled on Thursday, November 2.

Republicans in Congress are shifting their focus to tax reform as tribal interests wait to see whether they will be included.

Details of the bill remain under wraps but it's expected to be released on Wednesday. Republican leaders, along with President Donald Trump, are vowing to move quickly on the package.

"I hope people will start to focus on our Massive Tax Cuts for Business (jobs) and the Middle Class," Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday morning as he claimed the indictment of his former campaign manager was timed to distract from the tax policy initiative.

The effort comes as the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs looks at ways for tribes to be included in tax reform at a hearing on Wednesday afternoon. The witness list for the hearing follows:
Mr. Carl Marrs
Chief Executive Officer
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Anchorage, AK

The Honorable Liana Onnen
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
Mayetta, KS

Mr. Dante Desiderio
Executive Director
Native American Financial Officers Association
Washington DC

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Notice:
Oversight Hearing on "Building Tribal Economies: Modernizing Tax Policies that Work for Indian Country" (November 1, 2017)

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