Be kind to every Lakota you meet
Plenty of Wasicu lined up, desensitized not to beBy James Giago Davies
Native Sun News Today Columnist Back in the 19th Century, a Lakota warrior toted a gun, and he knew how to shoot it. Why? Because a gun is better than a bow or a lance. He had a fine war pony, smart, tough, reliable, and he loved that pony, it had saved his life more than once. Why? Because a pony beats the heck out of walking. Oh, you thought I meant why did that pony save his life? Probably because it was well trained and fleet footed, but I like to think it was because that pony loved him back. If that Lakota warrior had had a cell phone like we got now, wow, the things he could have done with it. “Look, I type in Bear Butte and this woman will talk and GPS me right to it.” “We follow that blue line to Bear Butte?” “Yep. Soon as we figure out what Interstate 90 or Highway 34 are.” The Lakota world that was, the world the traditional Lakota lived in, no longer exists. There are no buffalo, no hunting grounds, and more than anything else, the Lakota no longer decide their destiny for themselves. They are wards of a treaty directed relationship with a conquering power. The Wasicu walk over this land with impunity. They live out their entire lives here, fat and happy, pave over vast parking lots teeming with strip malls and eating establishments, and build themselves emerald green golf courses greedy for water, and most of them never ever have to take notice of your Lakota existence for any reason. On this land, the land your ancestors paid blood to protect and preserve for you, and your children, these Wasicu can hold you in utter contempt.

Read the rest of the story on the Native Sun News Today website: Be kind to every Lakota you meet James Giago Davies is an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota tribe. He can be reached at Copyright permission Native Sun News Today
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