Despite the court losses, the "race" tactic is a tried and true one among conservative groups and Republican members of Congress. Merely bringing the issue up is enough to derail legislation or generate media coverage that paints Indian Country in a negative light. The new petition centers on two children who are citizens of the Colorado River Indian Tribes. The Arizona court ruled that their non-Indian father must comply with ICWA before he attempts to sever the parental rights of their mother, who is also a tribal citizen. "By its own terms, ICWA applies to any petition to terminate a parent's rights," Johnsen wrote in the 11-page ruling. Goldwater filed a petition to reverse the Arizona ruling on July 17, according to Docket No. 17-95. The Colorado River Indian Tribes have until August 18 to respond, unless an extension is granted. The Indian mother and non-Indian father, who are divorced, are also parties in the case. But Goldwater listed the tribe first in its petition -- in the Arizona court, the parents were listed first. After the tribe and the parents respond, Goldwater will be able to file one more brief before the Supreme Court reviews the petition. Once that review is complete, the court will then announce whether it will hear the case. The last ICWA case heard by the Supreme Court was Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl. By a 5-4 vote, the justices held a citizen of the Cherokee Nation could not invoke the law due to specific facts affecting the custody of his daughter, who was adopted by a non-Indian couple. Conservative groups and opponents of ICWA were pushing the court to weaken the law but that didn't happen in the June 2013 decision. The new cases represent an attempt to keep their agenda alive. Arizona Court of Appeals Decision:
S.S. v. Stephanie H. (January 12, 2017)
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