Grizzly cubs in Yellowstone National Park. Photo: Pat Gaines

States cheer Trump decision on grizzly bears amid tribal concerns about hunts

The governors of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are thanking the Trump administration for removing protections for grizzly bears in and around Yellowstone National Park.

The states will be able to "manage" the grizzly population and that means they will be able to authorize hunting. That's been a major concern of tribes who consider the bear to be one of their most sacred and revered animals.

But wildlife officials in the three states told the Associated Press that they aren't rushing to approve any hunts at this point. However, one in Idaho told The Jackson Hole Daily that hunting next year is possible.

Tribes asked the Department of the Interior to keep the Yellowstone grizzly bear listed under the Endangered Species Act. A forthcoming 515-page rule acknowledges their concerns but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said it wasn't required by law to address them.

The announcement from Secretary Ryan Zinke came just hours after he promised to follow his "obligation" to consult tribes before making decisions that affect their interests.

Read More on the Story:
US officials to lift Yellowstone grizzly bear protections (AP 6/22)
States won’t rush approval of Yellowstone grizzly hunts (AP 6/22)
Yellowstone Grizzly Bears To Be Removed From Endangered Species List; Wyoming Governor Praises Decision (K2 Radio 6/22)
Yellowstone Grizzly Bear to Lose Endangered Species Protection (The New York Times 6/22)
Grizzly delisting is complete (The Jackson Hole Daily 6/23)

Relevant Documents:
Press Release: Secretary Zinke Announces Recovery and Delisting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bear
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Final Rule to Federal Register

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Secretary Zinke removes protections for grizzlies over tribal objections (June 22, 2017)

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