Construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota in August 2016. The $3.8 billion project is now complete and has begun shipping oil. Photo: Tony Webster

Two leaders of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe cleared in #NoDAPL case

Two leaders of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe were acquitted in connection with a #NoDAPL incident in North Dakota last year.

Chairman Dave Archambault and council member Dana Yellow Fat were accused of disorderly conduct for an incident at a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site. Both said they intervened to protect Native women from getting hurt on August 12, 2016, and the jury believed them, according to news reports.

The verdict were announced after a short proceeding on Wednesday, according to the reports. A third person, Alayna Eagle Shield, a Standing Rock citizen who started the Defenders of the Water School at the #NoDAPL encampment, also was acquitted, KYFR reported.

Read More on the Story:
Archambault found innocent of protest-related charge (The Bismarck Tribune 5/31)
Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman David Archambault found not guilty of disorderly conduct (KYFR 5/31)
Tribe officials acquitted in North Dakota pipeline protests (AP 6/1)

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