James Giago Davies. Photo courtesy Native Sun News Today
Uncle Sam baked us all some cupcakes
But what did he bake into those cupcakes?
By James Giago Davies
Native Sun News Columnist
nativesunnews.today Most enlightened people in Western democracies think propaganda is something that dupes the people of inferior countries, but that they understand how society works. They are certain they have ready access to critical information that keeps them politically and culturally savvy. After all, they read the newspapers of a free press, read books, and many have college degrees. No pulling a fast one on these astute folks. Ironically, that perception is a deliberate expression of the duping, a desired collective misperception, and the most alarming consequence of the most comprehensive propaganda campaign in human history. I can count on my fingers the number of people I have met in my life, who in some fundamental aspect, are not adversely altered by this duping. Every society throughout history must be critically duped to support the policies of the rich and powerful people, who actually own and operate the country. Not only is the United States part of that distorted history, no country before has so successfully applied propaganda on so comprehensively clueless a citizenry. Americans are not just propaganda duped, they are magnificently so. The rich and powerful, who own and operate our country, did not invent propaganda, but they sure as shootin’ have taken the art of duping an electorate to an unprecedented level of shrewd sophistication. You can’t just trick people into supporting policies that benefit the elite, you have to get them to support those policies despite the fact these policies are also directly against the people’s self-interest. For example, police are there to serve and protect, it is so obvious we don’t realize they serve and protect the rich and powerful, who own and operate the country—first!—and then they pull over and change Gramma’s flat tire. Even most police are not aware what their most important responsibility is. They spend their entire career conscientiously tending a sapling, blind to the towering redwood forest around them. That is no accident. The best duped person is the one who not only never figures out he is duped, but even if absolute proof of the duping is supplied, rationalizes it away, and doubles down against the notion there is any duping whatsoever. Now that is some duping, but how do the rich and powerful people, who own and operate our country, pull off that level of brainwashing? It starts with thinking itself. A duped society is indoctrinated not only in just ideas, and information, but functionality. The brain is taught from a young age to rationalize in lieu of reasoned thinking. Rationalizing is the gift that keeps on taking, because even when it is ferreted out and forced into the light of day, all its insidious ugly on brazen display, you can just rationalize to defend the rationalizing, ad infinitum. You get brains thinking this way by controlling education, by winnowing out those teachers who too openly oppose such brain training and giving power and control to those who embrace it. You control the press, by owning it, and by training the ostensibly free press professionals, to internalize the values of the rich and powerful, so they consistently defend the policies that benefit their masters, and act in unwitting accordance with that policy. Those that do not comply are not rewarded and are winnowed from process.

Read the rest of the story on the Native Sun News Today website: Uncle Sam baked us all some cupcakes (Contact James Giago Davies at skindiesel@msn.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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