A 2013 protest against liquor sales in Whiteclay, Nebraska. Photo: Confrontational Media
The fate of four controversial liquor stores in a tiny town known as Whiteclay is in the hands of the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. According to news reports, the commission took more than 10 hours of testimony at a hearing on Thursday. Tribal officials, activists and allies said the stores should lose their licenses because they create numerous problems not just in the small community, which has fewer than a dozen residents, but also on the nearby Pine Ridge Reservation. “Families are coming to us because they’re getting no resolution from Nebraska law enforcement,” Tatewin Means, the attorney general for the Oglala Sioux Tribe, told the commission, The Lincoln Journal Star reported. The commission plans to make a decision on the licenses in early May, The Omaha World-Herald reported. Read More on the Story:
Strikingly different portraits of Whiteclay clash during Liquor Commission hearing on beer sales (The Lincoln Journal Star 4/6)
Photos: Whiteclay hearing at the Capitol (The Lincoln Journal Star 4/6)
Activists: Beer stores near Indian reservation should close (AP 4/6)
Hearing on Whiteclay liquor licenses lasts more than 10 hours, no decision yet (KETV 4/6)
Nebraska liquor commission won't rule on Whiteclay beer stores until May (The Omaha World-Herald 4/7)
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