President Donald Trump at the White House. Photo: Donald Trump
Harold Monteau, a citizen of the Chippewa Cree Tribe, reflects on the election that put President Donald Trump into office:
The Democratic Party, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and its Elites (Super Delegates, National Officers and Executives, State Party Officers, and State Electoral College Delegates) need to get out of denial and admit their mistakes that put the current President in the White House. Yes, we can acknowledge Russian sabotage, GOP Voter Suppression, election fraud, GOP led minority voter purges in key states, Bernie Sanders zealots who refused to vote after he lost the nomination, “apathy” by millennials and minority voters, and just plain “election apathy” and voter burn-out with regard to the two party dominance of American Politics, as all contributing factors. But, it still begs the question; how on God’s green earth did he win? Or rather, how did we lose? The latter is the real question that needs to be answered by the Democratic Party apparatchik. To answer that question, we must first get out of “denial” and look at the performance of the party in retrospect. A retrospectroscope is in order. Where did the Democratic Party go wrong?Read More on the Story:
Harold A. Monteau: Did the Democratic Party Beat Itself? In Need of a ‘Retrospectroscope’ (Indian Country Today 2/20)
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