Times Square Divestment CommercialDigital video billboard in Times Square, NYC, asking for support for water protectors and an unprecedented divestment campaign to kill the black snake. This 10-second commercial plays once every 20 minutes all day long. It went live on December 24th and will go until the end of March. Brought to you by the Indigenous coalition at Standing Rock.....Sacred Stone Camp, Honor the Earth, Indigenous Environmental Network, and the International Indigenous Youth Council. #NoDAPL #LoveWaterNotOil #DefundDAPL
Posted by Honor the Earth on Friday, December 30, 2016
Honor The Earth on Facebook: Times Square Divestment Commercial
Billboard in Times Square says ‘Defund DAPL’
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Seminole Nation join forces
By Talli Nauman
Native Sun News Today
Health & Environment Editor
nativesunnews.today FT. YATES, N. D. –– On a slow burn for six weeks, the tribally backed movement for divesting in banks that underwrite the Dakota Access Pipeline companies came to a full rolling boil on Jan. 13, when the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and more than two dozen grassroots organizations lighted a digital billboard in New York’s Times Square demanding “Defund DAPL.” “One month after the pipeline was effectively put on hold by the Army Corps of Engineers, major commercial banks are still banking on the project -- and losing thousands of customers a week as a result,” the Lakota Peoples Law Project said in a coinciding joint statement. The divestment campaign is an outgrowth of indigenous prayer gatherings and grassroots direct actions since April 2016 organized in support of the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux tribes’ lawsuit that demands Army Corps consultation on cultural preservation and environmental conservation before a decision on permitting pipeline construction across the Missouri River. For the last six weeks, a global coalition has been pressuring banks providing project loans to the Dakota Access Pipeline to renegotiate or cancel their loans. In December, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other indigenous leaders requested that officials from each of these banks meet with tribal representatives to hear their concerns. By the Jan. 10 deadline for bank responses to the tribe’s meeting request, BayernLB, BNP Paribas, Mizuho Bank, and Suntrust all declined to meet.
Read the rest of the story on the Native Sun News Today website: Billboard in Times Square says ‘Defund DAPL’ (Contact Talli Nauman at talli.nauman@gmail.com) : Copyright permission Native Sun News
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