First Nations take part in a kick-off celebration in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, on December 31, 2016. Photo: Canada's 150th Anniversary of Confederation
Should indigenous people celebrate Canada's 150th birthday? Mike Myers (Seneca Nation) of the Network for Native Futures ponders the state of affairs in our neighbor to the north:
While perusing Facebook I came across a comment someone made about being half as old as Canada – which is “celebrating” its 150th birthday, conveniently tagged as Canada 150. This comment made me stop and really consider what was being said and what the coming year will be like. 150 years is nothing in comparison to the fact that we are citizens of nations that are thousands of years old. Canada is a “baby,” but a very destructive one. I’m reminded of one of the words we have for Europeans which describes them as “bratty little kids, the kind you have to keep an eye on or they’ll hurt themselves and others.” They have certainly proven themselves to be that. What is more disturbing is knowing that there are all sorts of indigenous folks getting ready to help this brat celebrate Canada 150. This just makes me shake my head in amazement as to how intense and thorough the colonization and disruption of our indigenous ways and lives has been. Yet, there are those – for whatever reason – who choose to ignore it and are getting their regalia ready to go and dance for Canada 150.Read More on the Story:
Mike Myers: Canada 150: Why Celebrate This Birthday? (Indian Country Today 1/8)
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