James Giago Davies. Photo courtesy Native Sun News Today
Grim truth has few friends
Only tell me what I want to hear
By James Giago Davies
Native Sun News Today Columnist
nativesunnews.today There is a face people present to the public, and we all present that public face whether we are a public figure or a contrary recluse. Were we to base people’s actual character on that public face we’d all seem like pretty decent people; you would have a hard time readily identifying all the bad people you know must exist in order for there to be any actual cruelty and criminality the existence of which each passing day produces an infinite supply of ironclad proof. Think of all the times you passed people on a sidewalk, stood in a supermarket checkout line, sat in a movie theater, stepped into an occupied elevator. How many times did you stand next to a rapist, a child molester, a murderer? Even these despicable creatures can put on enough of a public face so you are not alarmed. You just go about your business, and when you get home to your loved ones you don’t say, “I stood next to two murderers, a crooked city employee and a rapist today. The rapist had a gun and a badge, too.” The public face spares us from having to process all that while we are standing in front of these people. They don’t say to you when you stand in the elevator alone with them, “Hi, I’m Steve; I raped the lady up the street from you. I even raped your high school algebra teacher. Don’t worry, I have my public face on now, I won’t rape you.” Many times I run into some person I don’t like because I know they don’t like me, and have said awful things about me, but I smile and sometimes even shake their hand when really, all I want to do is dangle their fresh scalp from my lodge pole.
Read the rest of the story on the Native Sun News Today website: Grim truth has few friends (Contact James Giago Davies at skindiesel@msn.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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