An anti-Donald Trump rally in New York. Photo by Joe Catron
Republican president-elect Donald Trump will be taking office in just a few weeks and what does the future hold for indigenous people? Mike Myers (Seneca Nation) of the Network for Native Futures offers some thoughts:
Things are pretty liberal on the two coasts and in a few urban areas in the interior. But there are large swaths of land, people and communities in between where Trump’s language, attitude and aggressiveness are the norm. For Indigenous folks this is exactly how the border towns around our territories look, sound and feel like. The dominant liberal political correctness has kept a lid on these folks but we began to see the lid coming off with the rise of the Tea Party. Trump’s rise has been propelled by the energy of the anger, resentment, and fear these folks have kept contained for decades. Throughout his campaign Trump repeatedly gave permission for folks to act on their anger, their bigotry and their fears. Permission is given in wide array of ways. Of course the most overt being someone clearly stating that they give permission for whatever. And then there is the covert permission given through silence or ignoring. Unless someone clearly says that is not right then the silence says that it is right, or, if you prefer, all right. When someone takes the position that’s none of my business then they’ve given their permission that whatever it is, is permissible. Trump is clearly saying that violence against those he targets is all right. He’s even offered to pay the legal costs for anyone caring out violence if they’re arrested. What other message does one receive when he says that protestors or dissidents should be “taken out on a stretcher”.Read More:
Mike Myers: What Trump Election Holds for Indigenous Nations (Indian Country Today 12/9)
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