Native Sun News Today: Owner of Wounded Knee massacre site lowers price

National Historic Site of Wounded Knee on YouTube: Wounded Knee Memorial

Owner of Wounded Knee drops asking price
By Native Sun News Today Staff

RAPID CITY –– When Jim Czywczynski decided to sell the 40-acres of land that is the massacre site of Wounded Knee his asking price was $3.9 million.

This week he is reducing the price by $900,000 in hopes that this will help him find a buyer.

Czywczynski was the owner of the Wounded Knee Trading Post and Museum in 1973 when it was taken by force by members of the American Indian Movement. The Post and Museum were eventually reduced to ashes during the takeover. Fearing that it would be destroyed again if he rebuilt it that land has sat empty since 1973.

Czywczynski estimates that he lost more than $4 million in income during the more than 40 years that have since passed.

The website National Historic Site of Wounded Knee still lists the property at $3.9 million. There is additional information on the land sale at that site.

Initially many of those contacted about purchasing the land complained about the high price. Czywczynski pointed out the historical nature of the land and the fact that it is listed by the federal government as a national historic site.

“If you bought an acre of land in the Black Hills it wouldn’t be so costly, but if you bought an acre of land right next to Mount Rushmore, another national historic site, the price would jump considerably,” he said.

Next month on December 29 will mark the 126th anniversary of the massacre of nearly 300 Lakota men, women and children by members of the U.S. 7th Cavalry. For more information please go to the National Historic Site of Wounded Knee website.

Czywczynski can be contacted at

Find more news on the Native Sun News Today website: Owner of Wounded Knee drops asking price

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