Republican president-election Donald Trump on the campaign trail. Photo from Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Indian Country might be reeling from the victory of Republican Donald Trump but Lynn Armitage, a citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, who joined the president-elect's Native American Coalition thinks he deserves a fair shot to get things done:
I have heard that many Natives, as well, are worried and in despair over a Trump presidency. Please be patient and give our new president-elect a chance. He is a builder. He is a fixer. He is a job-creator. Have faith that he will build, fix and stimulate the economy of this country—and he will have the best interests of Indian Country at heart, too. Believe it or not, Native Americans have a lot in common with the stomped-on middle class, in that both populations have felt disenfranchised for quite some time. As activist filmmaker Michael Moore said to Democrats on his Facebook page after the election, “…you were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair," he writes. "YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew." You’ll be happy to know that candidate Trump reached out to Native Americans during the campaign. Deswood Tome, former chief of staff for the Navajo Nation, earned the attention of the Trump team with a letter he wrote concerning sovereignty and the citizenship of Native Americans. That gutsy letter resulted in an hour-long conference call with Trump’s national advisers and 93 top Native leaders to discuss tribal issues—before Trump was overwhelmingly elected. While Tome acknowledges that Indian Country has many priorities to work on with the White House, he believes relinquishing federal control over tribes and redefining citizenship should be at the top of the heap.Read More:
Lynn Armitage: All I Am Saying Is Give Trump a Chance (Indian Country Today 11/19)
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