Llevando "Cowboy" Fisher serves as the president of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe and is seeking re-election. Photo courtesy A Cheyenne Voice
Candidate list for Northern Cheyenne primary election finalized
By Clara Caufield
Native Sun News Today Correspondent
nsweekly.com LAME DEER, Mont. - On September 15, the certified list of candidates for the tribal primary election was released by Tribal Secretary Melissa Lonebear after the tribal voter’s committee verified that the candidates all met the constitutional requirements to stand for office. The Northern Cheyenne primary election is scheduled for October 6, 2016, after which the two top vote getters for each position will advance to the general election held in conjunction with the national November elections. The candidate list includes several incumbents, including the current Tribal President Llevando “Cowboy” Fisher, rancher and former employee of the tribal Housing Authority, currently serving his second term as President. He is challenged by the following tribal members: Michael A. Bearcomesout Sr. (retired BIA employee); Lawrence “Jace” Killsback (current Tribal Health Director and former Busby Tribal Council member); Tracy Robinson (rancher and current Ashland Tribal Council member); Darrell D. Sanchez (former BIA employee); August “Tiger” Scalpcane (basketball coach and former tribal employee); Geri Small (Boys & Girls Club Director and former Tribal President); Mark Wandering Medicine (former Tribal Judge) and Rick Wolfname (Director, Tribal Tobacco Prevention Program and former Tribal Vice-president). Candidates for Vice-President include: Conrad Fisher (current Lame Deer Tribal Council member and former Tribal Historic Preservation Officer); Sheldon King (current Busby Tribal Council member and former Busby School employee); Rueben Littlehead, Sr. (well-known pow wow M.C and cultural teacher, St. Labre); and Winfield Russell (incumbent Vice President, retired law enforcement). Candidates for the Tribal Council include: Ashland District (1 vacancy); Donna Fisher, Waylon Rogers and Vincent Whitecrane; Busby District (1 vacancy); Lisa M. Limpy, Ernest Littlemouth, Sr (incumbent) and Yulberton “Alec” Sandcrane; Busby District (1 vacancy) Clyde Joe Brady III, Dana Eaglefeathers (current Busby District chairman) and Eloise E. Snow (incumbent); Muddy District (1 vacancy) Debra K. Waters Charette, Curtis Elkshoulder Jr., Justin Fourhorn (current Muddy District chairman), Reginold “Reasco” Killsnight, Jr., William Mason, George Scalpcane and Aljo Strangeowl. In addition to the above candidates who paid filing fees to have their names placed on the election ballot, other candidates have the option of running as write-ins, a tactic which has often been successful in previous tribal elections at Northern Cheyenne. The filing fees are $500.00 for the office of Tribal President and Vice-President and $200 for tribal council seats.

Read the rest of the story on the Native Sun News Today website: Candidate list for Northern Cheyenne primary election finalized (Contact Clara Caufield at acheyennevoice@gmail.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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