Veterans lead the graduation ceremony at Oglala Lakota College on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Photo from American Indian College Fund / Facebook
Veteran Warrior Wakte' Glipi
To come home in Triumph / Victory
By Denver American Horse
Lakota Country Times Columnist
lakotacountrytimes.com Hau Kh'ola (Hello friend), toh niktuka hwo (how are you)? Matanyan yelo (I am well / fine). Anpetu Th'okahe (Monday), Chanph'a Sapa Wi (Moon of Black Choke Cherries - July) Wikchemna Nunpa ahke Zaptan (25th) hanl Inkpata Oth'unwahe el iyechinka-iyanke ogna unkiyapi (we drove through White Clay) yunkh'an (and here) Mazopiye wan oile (a store was burning). Mazopihe kin, "Randy's Market" ekiyab kh'a (The store used to be called, "Randy's Market"). Hel ehani mahokshila hehan wowashi ichamun (I worked there long ago as a young boy). Ahke hel Mazopiye wanji lechala cha Ka'gapi kin owanyang washte ktelo (It will be good to see a new store built there again). Le Anpetu kin (Today is) Anpetu Th'okahe (Monday). Wasuth'un Washte Wi (Moon of Ripened / Ripening Seeds - August) Ahke Zaptan (15th), Kh'oktopawing'e Nunpa sam Ahke Shakpe (2, 016). Chu mah'piya kta keyapi yelo (They say it will be cloudy). Owayawa pi oyate kin wana wowashi glapi kta yelo (The schools' workers will be going back now). Hunh' wiyushkin pi seche (Some are probably happy). I rode the O.S.T. Transit bus last Thursday on the 11th. As i was dropped off at my work place; the bus driver said to me, "Anpetu washte yuha yo" ("Have a good day"). That comment made my morning extra-washte (good). I want to pilaya (Thank) the Lakh'ota bus driver who was considerate and brave enough to speak our language. I will have to learn who he is so i can thank him publicly in my next article.

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On the same day, in the afternoon, I learned that both of our Wakpamni District O.S.T. Council Representatives have been suspended without pay for 20 days. Jackie Siers' Hearing is due on August 29th. I am not sure when Sonia Little Hawk Weston will have her hearing. I hope to be present at the 29th hearing and listen in on what is going on. Wakpamni District presently has no representation at the council; and election board selections are coming up. Most of the tribal members are aware of the intentional suppression of the O.S.T. Ethics Commission members and their duties / work since the last administration (2014) to the present day. Recently, this present administration re-worded a new Ethics Ordinance and are supposedly hiring two more potential review board members. The O.S.T. Ethics Commission is a tribal constitutionally mandated requirement approved by our tribal members through a reservation-wide Secretarial Election on November 4, 2008. Our Lakh'ota language is also specifically noted in the same Secretarial Election as to be: "preserve..and strengthen", in the PROPOSED AMENDMENT Z which passed 401 (for) to 227 (against). The South Dakota Department of Veteran Affairs Benefit School will be at Pierre, SD on Aug 22 - Aug 25, 2016. Until next week, Happy Trails! (Denver American Horse is a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. He writes his weekly column in the Lakota language, offering an English translation of his words. He is the Veterans Service Officer for Oglala Lakota County in South Dakota.) Find the award-winning Lakota Country Times on the Internet, Facebook and Twitter and download the new Lakota Country Times app today.
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