Last year, tribal members and their supporters staged a silent protest during the re-enactment of the return of Spanish colonizers to present-day Santa Fe, New Mexico, on September 11, 2015. Photo by Alex Braun / Facebook
It's been nearly a year since tribal members staged a silent protest during the re-enactment of the return of Spanish colonists to New Mexico in 1692. But now it looks like politicians who were promising dialogue and change are the ones who have gone quiet, observes Elena Ortiz of Ohkay Owingeh:
Last September, peaceful demonstrators carried signs that displayed a different version of the events that led up to the celebration of Fiesta. They were hoping to raise awareness of the racist, revisionist history being celebrated. That this city still celebrates the subjugation of the Pueblo people is unconscionable. It is an affront to all Native people who live in Santa Fe, and to all of those who travel to sell their arts and crafts under the portal of the Palace of the Governors. The following week, Mayor Javier Gonzales promised a dialogue. “As proud as I was to participate in this important community tradition, I do believe it’s time that we were truthful about the actual events that occurred during the resettlement,” Gonzales wrote. “We can be honest about what happened and, through truth and respect of historical events, become even more united.” Last November, the city Finance Committee postponed a vote on a resolution that would direct city staff to plan a symposium on the history of Santa Fe, including Don Diego DeVargas’ reconquest of Santa Fe. It was never taken up again. Shame on all of you!Read More from Elena Ortiz:
Elena Ortiz: Annual Fiesta commemorates brutal conquest of Pueblo people (The Albuquerque Journal 8/12)
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