Larry Roberts, the acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. Photo from Indian Affairs / Twitter
The Bureau of Indian Affairs will be holding a series of training sessions for a new rule that seeks to strengthen the Indian Child Welfare Act. The sessions begin August 15 and run through November 17. Some are webinars but the majority are in-person sessions held in various regions of Indian Country. "Together, we can ensure that the new regulations fully benefit all Indian children, their parents and their tribes and tribal communities," Larry Roberts, the leader of the BIA, said in a July 13 letter. A notice of the sessions was also published in the Federal Register on Thursday. The new rule takes effect December 12. It requires state court systems and state welfare agencies to determine whether a child is Indian and whether ICWA applies to their proceedings. The trainings are open to tribal and state agencies. The schedule follows:
August 15 - WebinarFederal Register Notice:
August 16 - Webinar
August 18 - St. Paul, Minnesota
August 24 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 7 - Sacramento, California
September 15 - Albany, New York
September 22 - Pierre, South Dakota
October 5 - Anchorage, Alaska
October 19 - Olympia, Washington
November 2 - Phoenix, Arizona
November 15 - Webinar
November 17 - Webinar
Indian Child Welfare Act Proceedings (July 21, 2016) Relevant Documents:
Final Rule: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Proceedings | Final Rule: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Frequently Asked Questions | Dear Tribal Leader Letter | Dear State Governor Letter Federal Register Notices for Indian Child Welfare Act Rule:
Indian Child Welfare Act Proceedings (June 14, 2016)
Regulations for State Courts and Agencies in Indian Child Custody Proceedings (March 30, 2015)
Guidelines for State Courts and Agencies in Indian Child Custody Proceedings (February 25, 2015)
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