James Giago Davies. Photo from Native Sun News
American Imperialism and you
We all play a part in making it work
By James Giago Davies
Native Sun News Correspondent
www.nsweekly.com Last week the Wasicu celebrated their Independence Day, and part of me celebrated it with them, and part of me wished America would just quietly and pleasantly wink out of existence. That is how it must always be with iyeska, and I suspect full bloods as well, as we are all born and raised intimate strangers with the Wasicu. A love/hate relationship wars in the hearts and minds of most Lakota people, best represented by their distinguished service in defense of this country as US soldiers, as opposed to the rubbing out of Custer’s command at Little Bighorn in 1876, or the Ghost Dance massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890. Same Indians, same courage, same valor, but just like all the wild and dangerous things that once called the Black Hills area home have been wiped out, the bears, the wolves, the vast herds of bison—the Lakota horse culture had to go to. The Wasicu couldn’t have them traipsing across the Great Plains threatening citizens not even supposed to be there, according to treaties signed in good faith. The Wasicu mentality hasn’t changed much since 1877. They still see a mountain lion up every tree, in every broom closet, ready to spring on them from every glove compartment and old shoe box. Here in Sturgis they’ve got themselves talked into seeing a whole ring of mountain lions atop every ridgeline encircling the city. Something has to be done about all these mountain lions; you can hardly drive down the interstate without having to plow your way through them. Yep, time for the state Game and Fish to knock it off and let us shoot them all before it’s too late.
Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: American Imperialism and you (James Giago Davies can be reached at skindiesel@msn.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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