Native women present the colors at the Time-Out Wacipi at the University of North Dakota in April 2016. Photo from UND Indian Association Time-Out Wacipi
The University of North Dakota finally got rid of its "Fighting Sioux" mascot and logo. But Erich Longie, a member of the Spirit Lake Nation, wonders why some people refuse to let go of the divisive symbol:
Five years ago, I wrote a Viewpoint titled, “Is the Fighting Sioux moniker cursed?” (April 11, 2011). I actually got hate mail because of it. That moniker is gone, and the curse is gone, too. At least, here on the reservation it is. We no longer have competing petitions, no one is running to the Tribal Council to drum up support for one side or the other, our young people no longer are pressured to state their position, and the free Fighting Sioux apparel that was passed out before the vote that was held here on the nickname has all but disappeared. The curse—er, controversy is no longer mentioned, and we are all better off for of it. Unfortunately, the curse appears to still be widespread off the reservations. For every time progress is made on the selection of a new logo, a small group of whiny, self-righteous, privileged and probably racist supporters of the now-discredited nickname conjure up letters and send them to the Herald. And, they comment — along with posting what is now just a generic picture of a good-looking Indian man, since it no longer represents UND, or any tribe for that matter — on the Herald’s Facebook page. Like zombies, they repeat the predictable and childish phrases such as, “Sioux forever, or else no more donations,” or outlandish phrases such as, “We are fighting for our survival.” Really?Get the Story:
Erich Longie: ‘Fighting Sioux’ critics like new UND logo just fine (The Grand Forks Herald 7/10)
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