Lakota Country Times: Runners take 500-mile Sacred Hoop journey around Black Hills

The Sacred Hoop 500 Mile Run is a relay race around the Black Hills, boys and girls, men and women of all ages participate while sharing the road, stories and history of the Sacred Hoop. Photo courtesy Arlo Iron Cloud

34th Sacred Hoop 500 mile run adds runners each day By Tom Crash
Times Country Times Correspondent

PINE RIDGE– On Monday, the 34th Sacred Hoop 500 Mile Run set off from Bear Butte on the first of five legs around the Black Hills. Five teams and 52 runners made their way to Pine Ridge Village. On Tuesday, 80 runners hit the road from Pine Ridge to Whiteclay, Nebraska, down by Beaver Wall, Chadron, and onto Lusk, Wyoming.

“We came into Pine Ridge about 9pm Monday night, from Yellow Birds to the main four-way, the street was lined with people, a great welcoming, music was playing, Tom Poor Bear greeted us at the stoplight, it was cool,” said Ricky Grey Grass, who helps coordinate the run and always makes it a family affair as his sons Kijana and Kobe and daughter Shyanne all participate in the run.

“Tuesday it was hot, we worked hard to keep all of the runners hydrated with water and Gatorade, we stopped alongside the road just before Crawford and under the shade of two big Cottonwood trees we rested and had lunch," Grey Grass said.

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Runners finished at Lusk, Wyoming, Tuesday night and camped at Ft. Robinson. Wednesday, they head to four corners and camp at Beaver Creek Campground while Thursday they take off to Alzado, Montana, camping at Devil’s Tower. This year, the teams are going to take a rest day and enjoy a cookout, storytelling, games and tours at Devil’s Tower. Saturday, the teams will run from Alzado to Bear Butte, arriving about 3pm, prayers and food will wrap up the run.

Teams participating this year include #4/Mary Weasel Bear, Pejuta Haka/Sharon Martinez, Ogle Luta/Benedict Good Buffalo, Tahca Wakpa/Randy Shawaway and Thunder Lake/Ricky Grey Grass.

Not one of the 34 Hoop runs could happen without the support of a number of groups, organizations and individuals, those helping this year include OST Energy/Susan Two Eagle, Vet’s Shelter, Arrowhead Foods, OST Diabetes, Chadron Walmart, Sioux Nation, Mitakupi Foundation, OST President’s office, Oglala Sioux Tribe, Tom Poor Bear, Allie Brewer, Candy Red Shirt, Pauline Wilson, Leslie Cournoyer, Betty Black Crow, Tiny D, Eileen Janis, Barbara Basket Sealed, Cecelia Yellow Boy, Joy Hill, Faith Yellow Boy, Tammy LaPointe, Darren Yellow Boy, Sis Big Crow and Donna Salomon.

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