Larry Roberts, the acting Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. Photo from Indian Affairs / Twitter
The Bureau of Indian Affairs is asking tribes about updates to the probate process. The BIA will host a listening session next week and two consultation sessions next month to discuss some changes. A notice that was published in the Federal Register on Monday outlines three potential revisions, including one that would increase the amount that can be withdrawn from a decedent's Individual Indian Money account in order to pay for funeral expenses. "[W]e have identified three areas for modification that will have an immediate impact in streamlining the probate process," Larry Roberts, the acting assistant secretary for Indian Affairs, wrote in the notice. The listening session takes place June 27 during the National Congress of American Indians mid-year conference in Spokane, Washington. The consultation sessions will occur, by phone, on July 12 and July 13. Federal Register Notice:
Probate Regulation Updates (June 20, 2016)
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