James Giago Davies. Photo from Native Sun News
A growing threat to Lakota people
A Wasicu army of “temporarily advantaged janitors
By James Giago Davies
www.nsweekly.com Every Lakota reservation is pure socialism. Pick any one of them, and you will see a prime example of why big government socialism doesn’t work—poverty, violence, no infrastructure or economy; all of these realities the direct consequence of long term nanny state policy. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is considered wasteful, incompetent and indifferent. The presidents change, the Congresses turn over, but the BIA remains a magnificently mismanaged boondoggle. Couldn’t a privately owned service administer reservation programs much better than the bungling government? The idea here is that private business is more effective than government largesse, and there is absolutely no evidence such a thing is true, but the myth is one planted deep into the mentality of Americans and how it got there is interesting. The rich want to control process, not totally, but critically. They want our great democracy to look wonderful on paper, but operationally, they want control, as close as practically possible to the control they would have if they had all the power, and you had zero freedom. This starts by making one set of rules for you, the ones you learn in school, and naively mistake for the law of the land; and a special set of rules for them, rules that are written nowhere public, hidden between the lines, reinforced by the government bureaucracy you mistake for the actual government, which it isn’t. It’s the bogeyman they put in place to keep you from noticing that they are the government. People begin to understand things when they have information. Distorting that information is what propaganda is all about. If the rich and powerful oligarchy controlling our government can distort reality into a cherry picked narrative that appeases you, odds are only a very few will see through that ruse, and those few will have put a target on their back, and every attempt will be made to discredit and eliminate their objections. The oligarchy will distort the information in such a way that you will help them stop the people trying to stop them from exploiting you, and feel like you did something noble and patriotic.
Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: A growing threat to Lakota people (Contact James Giago Davies at skindiesel@msn.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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