Leilani Pole and Bradley Marshall, council members from the Hoopa Valley Tribe, appeared at a press conference at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., on May 24, 2016. Photo by Emily Zentner / Cronkite News

Auction house in France won't stop sale of sacred tribal property

An auction house in France won't stop the sale of hundreds of tribal items despite protests from the United States.

Alain Leroy, a director at the EVE auction house in Paris, told the Associated Press that all of the items up for sale on May 30 were acquired legally. He suggested that the sales were actually helpful to tribes even though they have said otherwise.

Leroy told the AP that "the public auction process allows the different tribes to acquire their past, and that is exactly what some tribes prefer to do, seeking efficiency and discretion.”

Indianz.Com SoundCloud: Press Conference on Sale of Ancestral Remains and Tribal Property

Tribal leaders, Indian advocates, federal officials and members of Congress have called for the sales to stop. Rep. Steve Pearce (R-New Mexico) has introduced H.Con.Res.122, the PROTECT Patrimony Resolution, to condemn the "theft, illegal possession or sale, transfer, and export of tribal cultural items."

Read More on the Story
Paris auction house defends divisive sale of tribal items (The Associated Press May 25, 2018)

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