Clara Caufield. Photo from Native News Project / University of Montana School of Journalism
Whoops! Sorry moms and grandmothers
A Cheyenne Voice
By Clara Caufield
www.nsweekly.com There was only one appropriate column topic for last week – Mothers’ Day reflections, which should have been written in advance. Like many well-intentioned, but errant children, I plumb missed that deadline, only to be reminded by one of my younger brothers who remarked “What kind of nice things did you write about Mom, other Moms and grandmothers this year? You know Mom is looking forward to it.” Yikes! Being self-absorbed, I missed it, now trying to make up for that very special day of the year. Sorry to all Moms, of which I am one (mother of seven children, five surviving). The Northern Cheyenne have a special proverb which goes something like this: “No matter how strong the nation and its weapons, things will not be over until the hearts of the women are lying on the ground. Only then will it end.” The Cheyenne also have another belief: no ceremony can be properly conducted without the involvement of a woman who represents the life-giver. This includes sacred fasts, the Sun Dance, peyote meetings, name-giving ceremonies, etc. No Sun Dance, for example can be conducted without the sacrifice of the “sacred” woman pledger, representing the essence of life. And a woman must always “bring in the water” to conclude a peyote meeting.

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Whoops! Sorry moms and grandmothers (Contact Clara Caufield at acheyennevoice@gmail.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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