A view of the Yurok Reservation in California. Photo from Facebook
The Yurok Tribe has adopted stringent spring fishing regulations in response to low runs of salmon and sturgeon in northern California. Inadequate water quantity and quality is contributing to the poor runs, the tribe said in a press release. Specifically, the tribe accused marijuana farms of illegally diverting "millions of gallons of water" from the Klamath-Trinity Basin. Fertilizers used by the farms are also degrading the water, according to the tribe. “Closing the fishery is never an easy decision for our Council, especially when similar efforts aren’t made by others that harvest these imperiled stocks,” said Chairman Thomas P. O’Rourke Sr. “Our people depend on these fish to feed their families. We decided to make this sacrifice today to protect this crucial spring staple for future generations.” The fishery is closed four days a week as a result of the low runs. Get the Story:
Press Release: Yurok Tribe Closes Fishing Four Days Per Week, Partially Blames Marijuana Farms (Yurok Tribe 5/6)
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