Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona, on March 19, 2016. Photo from Whiteness on the Border: Mapping the US Racial Imagination in Brown & White / Facebook
Radio show host Harlan McKosato isn't surprised the rise of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump after hearing a guest sermon at his Indian church in New Mexico:
I listened and he kept on making references to people not being as courteous to one another as they once were, and that neighbors on his street barely knew one another’s name or each other’s family members. Teenagers lacked respect for their elders and so on. As I read between the lines of his message it struck me what it was that was making me uneasy. He wanted to go back to a simpler time in America when things were more segregated — a time when there wasn’t so much diversity in our society. I was reminded of that Sunday morning message when I saw a picture on my Facebook feed of four white women at a Trump rally and their t-shirts read: “Make-America-White-Again” — with a not-so-subliminal link to Trump’s rallying cry “Make America Great Again.” Even though the photo has been refuted and Trump supporters say it was photo-shopped, it wasn’t so farfetched that at first sight it made perfect sense. That’s what is driving this Trump phenomenon as he tries to snatch the Republican nomination for President. The unspoken mantra among many white people is they long for the days when they, and only they, ruled the roost. Civil rights, Native rights, Gay rights, Women’s rights – dammit, what about White rights? That’s when America was great and we can make America great again, by God. Black lives matter, well white lives matter more. It says so right there in the Holy Scriptures.Get the Story:
Harlan McKosato: 'The Good Old Days' Were Only Good for Whites (Indian Country Today 4/29)
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