Indianz.Com SoundCloud: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Hearing
With regard to safety for students, Roberts reiterated a promise he made on Capitol Hill just three weeks ago. He said that the BIA will inspect every school after missing 69 out of 180 institutions in 2015, up from 67 missed in 2014 and 55 missed in 2013, figures that were disclosed by the Government Accountability Office. Roberts also said the BIA is responding to concerns raised in the report by ensuring that regional directors will be held accountable for failing to inspect all of the schools in their purview. The GAO noted that some regions have been slacking as far back as 2008. But when pressed by Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), Roberts made a seemingly startling admission. "No one has been fired," Roberts told McCain, whose state is home to a large number of schools that were never inspected. According to the GAO, the Western Region, which includes Arizona, missed all 23 schools in 2015. The Navajo Region, which also includes Arizona, failed to inspect 24 percent of its facilities. In addition to focusing on the watchdog reports, Roberts had to deliver opposition to the two significant bills that were on the committee's agenda yesterday. While he said the Obama administration supports efforts to "elevate" the BIE, he testified against S.2580, the Reforming American Indian Standards of Education Act, or RAISE Act, which would establish a separate Indian education agency within the Interior Department.

Legislative Hearing (April 6, 2016) Inspector General Reports:
Investigation of Improper Hiring at the Bureau of Indian Education (March 30, 2016)
Investigative Report of Brian Drapeaux (December 2, 2014) Government Accountability Office Reports:
Key Actions Needed to Ensure Safety and Health at Indian School Facilities (March 10, 2016)
Further Actions on GAO Recommendations Needed to Address Systemic Management Challenges with Indian Education (April 22, 2015)
Bureau of Indian Education Needs to Improve Oversight of School Spending (November 13, 2014)
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