The Wind River Reservation in Wyoming is home to the Eastern Shoshone Tribe and the Northern Arapaho Tribe. Photo by JGHowes via Wikipedia
The Eastern Shoshone Tribe and the Northern Arapaho Tribe continue to spar over a joint governing council on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. Bureau of Indian Affairs continue to make decisions without their input, according to a lawsuit that was filed in federal court in February. The Arapahos followed up by filing a motion for preliminary injunction on March 3. The tribe is asking a federal judge to block the Shoshones and the BIA from taking additional actions affecting contracts, hiring and other matters on the reservation. "Defendants insist that the NAT has somehow surrendered its sovereign and property rights to a separate Indian tribe, a notion so novel and radical its implementation must be rejected and restrained," a brief states The Shoshones fired back on March 18, accusing the Arapahos of trying to take over federal programs on the reservation. The tribe said it is taking steps to correct problems at the joint tribal court and that's one reason why it has put out hiring notices. "NAT frantically waves the sovereignty flag as a distraction from the fact that it cannot meet the legal standard for injunctive relief," the reply reads. Judge Brian Morris will hear arguments on the motion for preliminary injunction on May 12. Get the Story:
BIA review critical of tribal court performance (The Riverton Ranger 3/27)
Wyoming tribal court fails review by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (AP / The Riverton Ranger 3/28)
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