Protesters carry a banner that reads "Stop Trump's Hate" ahead of a scheduled appearance by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Photo by MacIver Institute / Facebook
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will carry on destructive policies if he wins the November election, warns Mike Myers (Seneca Nation) of the Network for Native Futures:
The American presidential run is really heating up with clashes breaking out and road blocks at Trump events. Not surprising, given his propensity for making outrageous, inflammatory and racist remarks. At some point the “targets” of his foul mouth are going to say “enough is enough” and begin to take action. It’s interesting watching him trying to deflect any criticism or accusation that he is responsible for what’s unfolding. It’s everybody else’s fault except his. We all have people like this in our lives. People who refuse to take personal responsibility for their words and actions. Permission is given in wide array of ways. Of course the most overt being someone clearly stating that they give permission for whatever. And then there is the covert permission given through silence or ignoring. When someone or no one clearly says that is not right then the silence says that it is alright. When someone takes the position that’s none of my business then they’ve given their permission that whatever it is, as permissible. Trump is clearly saying that violence against those he targets is alright. He’s even offered to pay the legal costs for anyone caring out violence if they’re arrested. What other message does one received when he says that protestors or dissidents should be “taken out on a stretcher”.Get the Story:
Mike Myers: Trump: The Destroyer of Many Villages (Indian Country Today 3/29)
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