Elaine Willman. Photo from Village of Hobart, Wisconsin
Elaine Willman, an anti-Indian figure who has spent her professional career antagonizing tribes across the nation, accuses President Barack Obama and Congress of coddling Indian Country:
Promises made by Congress to “Go West, Young Man” were just as valid and perpetual as any promise made to Indian tribes. It was Young Man who built the first schools, churches, small towns, farms and ranches, all on the faith that Congress provided in the Homestead Act and other legislation. Young Man built this country. For the past several decades, however, promises made to settlers and their descendants have been politically stained and reversed. We are told America should not have sent Young Man west. Indian tribes want their reservations and “aboriginal lands” restored to their natural habitat. Every non-Indian should be shamefully sorry forever, and gone soon. The lack of appreciation for Young Man and coddling of tribal governments is chilling. This is what pockets of apartheid now bolstered with more of the same from Middle Eastern countries are doing to America. This is what unequal, hyphenated-Americans and “cultural diversity” has created. “Americans” is a wrong and ugly word in its own country. I practice daily free thought, free speech and due process, and am keenly aware of my rights under the federal and state constitutions. I absolutely refuse to tolerate that my own citizenship in this country is denounced as inferior to that of any other American citizen. We have a growing national epidemic but the impacts first strike locally, in one zip code after another, one town after another, one county after another. It is coming to your front porch. State, county and local governments within Indian reservations absolutely must stand tall no matter the severity of well-funded special tribal governments funded by you, to defeat you. States must act as fully separate constitutional sovereigns on equal footing with each other, and independent of the federal government beyond its enumerated rights.Get the Story:
Elaine Willman: Is federal government encouraging U.S. Indian-Mideastern interactions? (The Daily Inter Lake 1/17)
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