Joe Pulliam, Lakota Artist/Crafter, instructs Dennis White Face, right, on details of making a quality wreath. Photo from Lakota Hope Ministry / Facebook
Lakota Hope Wreath Project returns
By Brandon Ecoffey
Lakota Country Times Editor WHITECLAY, NEB— With the holiday season almost here the Lakota Hope Wreath Project has arrived just in time to supply customers with decorations and local workers with income. Many of us have wondered just where holiday wreaths are manufactured, while this year they are certified local. Local Lakota artists and craftsmen have come together with the youth mission group from Ridgeview Bible Church of Chadron. According to a press release artists and members of the bible group have spent the better part of the last two weeks gathering material fort the wreaths. The wreaths are a 'mix' of locally-collected greenery and accents (like rose hips and various cones) said organizers. "This year, we are treating our items with an environmentally safe, water-based solution that will extend the life considerably," said Bruce BonFleur, Lakota Hope Director. "We just believe that you won't find a better product that the ones these guys are making - and you are really helping them provide for their families at Christmas," he added.

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Often during the winter seasonal jobs on the Pine Ridge Reservation end leaving many without an opportunity to bring in much needed revenue for their families. Lakota Hope has hired a number of local workers and works to keep the revenue from the project in the pockets of needy Lakota families. "When you purchase one of our wreaths or crosses you are actually helping not only Lakota men and families, but also activities of both the Youth Mission group and Lakota Hope Ministry," said BonFleur. The wreaths are delivered at no additional charge in both Sheridan and Dawes Counties and are available beginning the day after Thanksgiving. Persons or businesses interested in supporting the project can check out ordering details at Lakota Hope's website at www.lakotahope.org (Contact Brandon Ecoffey at editor@lakotacountrytimes.com) Find the award-winning Lakota Country Times on the Internet, Facebook and Twitter.
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