Native Sun News: Lakota swimmers promote healthy lifestyles

From left: Matagi I'atala, Nakina Mills and Jacob Cousin. Photo courtesy Colin Gift

Lakota ambassadors swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco
By Talli Nauman
Native Sun News
Health & Environment Editor

SAN FRANCISCO –– Nakina Mills, Matagi I'atala, and Red Cloud Indian School schoolmate Jacob Cousin, of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, participated in the 14th annual PATHSTAR Alcatraz Swim Week Oct. 11-19, capping a week of activities with a plunge into the frigid San Francisco Bay and a crossing to the city from Alcatraz Island.

Swim Week participants serve as year-long ambassadors for health by incorporating changes into their own lives, developing community programs, and sharing their experiences with family, friends, and community.

The PATHSTAR (www. mission is to promote “sustainable health and well­ being practices within Native American communities by providing support and advocacy in overcoming geographic, economic, and political obstacles regarding food availability, eating habits, methods of food preparation, and lifestyle choices.”

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Lakota ambassadors swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco

(Contact Native Sun News Health & Environment Editor Talli Nauman at

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