Members of the Crow Nation honor their veterans during a ceremony at the Apsaalooke Center in Crow Agency, Montana, on November 11, 2015. Photo by Crow Nation News / Facebook
Veteran’s Day 2015 in Northern Cheyenne and Crow Country
By Clara Caufield
A Cheyenne Voice The Northern Cheyenne Tribe observes many holidays, but none as important as Veteran’s Day. Native American Tribes, as a whole, have one of the highest rates of voluntary enlistments in America and a corresponding number of highly decorated and esteemed Veterans. Our people still follow the warrior tradition. We are honored to recognize them as often as possible, from the oldest to the youngest, encouraging others to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors. During the Great Plains era, a time of great military conflict, the Tsistsas/Suhtai (the correct term for our people) was called the “Fighting Cheyenne” by historians. Today, our warriors are still recognized for that ability, courage and sacrifice. At Northern Cheyenne, as on sister reservations and surrounding communities, many events are held to honor and recognize Veterans. The Tribe commemorates the actual holiday with a special flag ceremony, community meal and recognition of area Veterans; the Heritage Living Center, Ashland Montana, a home for elderly tribal members, holds a breakfast for Veterans, followed by the lowering of a flag, flown for a whole year in honor of a past Veteran, then donated to another living Veteran, a heartfelt and moving ceremony; and finally the Birney Village, most remote of all Reservation communities is entrusted to conduct the Annual Veterans Day Pow Wow, distinctly different from other inter-tribal celebrations, sans big money contests, rather dedicated to honoring our war heroes with old-time social dancing, recognition, honor songs, feasting and celebration.
Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Veteran’s Day 2015 in Northern Cheyenne and Crow Country (Clara Caufield can be reached at acheyennevoice@gmail.com) Copyright permission Native Sun News
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