Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Chairman Rodney Butler. Photo from United South and Eastern Tribes / Facebook
Members of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation of Connecticut held their annual meeting on Saturday and elected their leaders. Incumbent Rodney Butler won a fifth consecutive term on the council, according to the results. He was then chosen for a third term as chairman of the tribe. Tribal members also elected incumbent Jean Swift, who serves as treasurer, and newcomer Daniel Menihan to the council. Incumbent Crystal Whipple did not retain her seat. Whipple was serving as vice chair so a new vote was held for that position. Fatima Dames, who was already on the council but was not up for election, will now hold the job. Get the Story:
Butler wins third term as chairman of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe (The New London Day 11/2)
Mashantucket Tribe re-elects Butler to council (The Norwich Bulletin 11/1)
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