Chief Steve Pego of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan. Still image from YouTube
The Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan is reopening disenrollment proceedings against more than 230 people, including some who are deceased. Chief Steve Pego said the tribe's appeals court cleared the way for the cases to be heard again even though some of those facing removal thought the matter was closed. Some 233 people are affected. “We cannot strip the rights of individuals to be Native," Pego said in a press release. "We are merely honoring and executing the requirements of our Constitution so what is best for the many is best for our tribal community. That is what is traditional.” Those facing disenrollment -- at least those who are still alive -- must prove they are lineal descendants of someone who appeared on one of four base rolls. Some of people affected had been enrolled after tracing their ancestry to a sibling of a person on one of the rolls. Get the Story:
Tribal Court seeks to dis-enroll 233 Saginaw Chippewa members (The Mt. Pleasant Morning Sun 9/23)
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