Native Sun News: Pine Ridge players find silver lining in defeat

Pine Ridge was steamrolled by the Spearfish offensive and defensive lines. Pine Ridge QB Cecil Apple (11) attempting the goal line tackle. Apple was everywhere on offense and defense. Photo courtesy Pat Rotert

Thorpes struggle on field and off
Finding the silver lining in losing
By James Giago Davies
Native Sun News Correspondent

SPEARFISH –– Spearfish trounced the Thorpes 47-6, but that was not the story that mattered.

Before we get into that story, maybe we should set the stage. The Thorpes were coming off a 0-9, 2014 season. Their head coach, Sam Bravo, had stepped down just a couple weeks before citing personal problems, and they had been mercy ruled playing Todd County the week before, losing that game 61-6 (game is over if you trail by 50 points or more at half).

That gave new Head Coach Corey Shangreaux, and Assistant Coach Derek Janis, little time to prepare a Class A football team to take on a Class AA football team, and you have to figure when you haven’t won a game since 2013, and your head coach resigns before the season starts, and you have been mercy ruled against Todd County, keeping the team optimistic and motivated would require exceptional coaching even from the likes of Vince Lombardi.

Visit the all new Native Sun News website for the full story: Thorpes struggle on field and off

(James Giago Davies can be reached at

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